Jefferson Reading Initiative

In the last week of October, Jefferson students might have noticed an unusual sight around the school--hamsters! From stuffed hamsters to posters and even hamster wheels, these playful touches started appearing in the hallways.

Then came the mystery assembly, heightening the excitement. As students entered the gym, they were greeted by high school cheerleaders and a larger-than-life hamster. Students knew something something special was coming up. Soon laughter filled the room as two teachers had a hilarious hamster wheel race around the gym.

A big surprise followed. Each student received a wrapped gift—their own copy of School Days According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney. Students are reading the book with each other at school and in the evenings with their families. Beyond building crucial reading skills, this school-wide activity is a fun way to celebrate National Family Literacy Month, which runs throughout November.

Stay tuned for more updates on the adventures of Humphrey the hamster!

hampster wheel race

three kids reading

little girl reads

little boy reads

patriotic readers