The enchanting tale of Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" is coming to life on the Pryor High School stage! Join us for this magical Broadway musical experience on April 25th and 26th at the AVRA Performing Arts Center, with performances starting at 7:00 PM on both nights.
Tickets are available for $10 for adults and $8 for students and children. Tickets may be purchased at the door before the show. Doors will open at 6:00 PM. Or secure seats in advance by buying tickets from a high school choir member. Please note that tickets will not be sold through the front office.
Don't miss this wonderful performance by our award-winning choir, known for their recent success at the OSSAA State Choir Contest, where they competed in three different groups. The mixed and treble choirs earned all 1s on stage and in sight-reading, while the tenor/bass choir achieved a 1 on stage and a 2 in sight-reading. This victory marks the fourth consecutive year PHS choirs have brought home the sweepstakes plaque!