Students holding certificates with a photo of the tomb of the unknown soldier above in a collage

Each year, Pryor Middle School holds an essay competition for 8th graders who will be participating in the Washington, D.C. trip. From the many essays submitted, two girls and two boys are selected as winners. These four students receive the distinct honor of taking part in the wreath-laying ceremony at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.

This year, students were asked to write about the significance of The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Their essays needed to address the importance of guarding The Tomb, the sacrifices it represents, and why we should honor and protect this national monument.

The Thunderbird Academy Admissions department gave careful consideration to all the essays before selecting the essays that most completely answered the prompt. Each of the winning student authors received a medal from Thunderbird Academy.

This year's winners:

  • Ava Parks

  • Audrey Buford

  • Jackson Bruckerhoff

  • Cooper McCuistion

Congratulations to Ava, Audrey, Jackson, and Cooper! Your dedication and insight have earned you a place in this solemn and revered ceremony.